5 Tips for Staying Safe this Summer

Summer vacation is in full force. The kids are out of school and many families spend time outdoors enjoying themselves. While you and your family are out and about, make sure you are following these summer safety tips. Summer Safety Tips Prevent Playground Injuries The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that emergency departments in the United States treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries. Check to make sure the surfaces under the playground equipment are safe, soft, and well-maintained. Before letting your child run and play, take a minute to make sure the … Continue reading

Less is More: How Not to Feel Deprived

Buying less not only means saving money, but it can also be freeing in other ways. For ten years of my life I gave up coffee. This was mostly because of two factors. My new (then) husband could not stand the smell of coffee brewing, and during those ten years, I was either pregnant or nursing or both, and choose to stay away from the caffeine. I didn’t actually miss coffee much after a little bit, and I could knock that expense out of our budget. I no longer felt I needed coffee, had desires for coffee or felt deprived … Continue reading

Staying Safe During Hurricane Sandy

The wind is howling outside, the rain is pouring down in sheets, trees are whipping around, and during this brief time when the power has been restored, I wanted to reach out to everyone who may be in the path of this “Frankenstorm,” as it is being called. We too are in its path, and have prepared as well as we could. Whether you have to evacuate or shelter in place, it is important to keep your health and safety in mind. I’ve witnessed some who prioritize comfort and entertainment over health and safety, and this is never a good … Continue reading

Lose Fat, Not Money at Hilton

Staying fit on the road can be challenging, especially if you are not a runner and don’t have the luxury of simply slipping on comfy shoes and heading outside to get in a decent workout. For many people, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is priceless and they are willing to spend a pretty penny in order to stick to their current exercise routine. However, that can be hard when you are traveling for business or pleasure. Tracking down a hotel with a gym can be a pain, not to mention costly. Fortunately, Hilton Hotels and Resorts is making it easier to … Continue reading

Sleeping in Separate Beds: You’re Not Alone

Our culture believes that couples who sleep in separate beds are either experiencing or inviting problems in their marriage. Because I’m a light sleeper, I’m a firm believer that couples should be free to sleep separately if necessary. Jon and I almost always sleep together, but if one of us is restless we move to another bed, to keep that person from being woken up. I know that sleeping in the same bed improves intimacy. Once kids are part of the equation alone time between couples is scarce, and time in bed together, even if it’s just the process of … Continue reading

Floaties Require a Doctor’s Note?

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a mother was escorted by police from a public swimming pool because she allowed her son to wear floaties. Her son has cerebral palsy. The pool rules prohibit floaties. Somehow, I think this could have been handled in a way that didn’t require police involvement. Legally speaking, public swimming pools are required to be ADA compliant. This means that public pools, (and the ones in hotels and motels) must meet the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. The pools must have permanent lifts or underwater ramps that will provide access into and out of the pool … Continue reading

Not-So Safe Side of Strolling

Summer is the perfect time to load your child in a stroller and enjoy Mother Nature. Sadly, it only takes a few minutes for a relaxing stroll to go south if you don’t take a few basic precautions, such as: *Buckling up your child with a five-point harness *Not letting older siblings run while pushing the stroller *Not putting excessive weight in the stroller’s basket *Making sure to employ the stroller’s brakes after you park it And last, but not least, not letting your baby wear his expensive bling on a stroller ride lest he get mugged. I wish I … Continue reading

The Rx Relief Card is Not Insurance

My husband received two Rx Relief cards in the mail. It came from a company called Healthcare Alliance. A little digging around on the internet revealed that this is something to stay away from! Everything about it sounds like a scam. The mail my husband got from Healthcare Alliance looked very much like what one would receive from a legitimate insurance company. The letter said “Good news- You’ve been accepted!”, which is odd, because my husband never applied for anything from this company. The letter had two, plastic, cards attached to it that, at first glance, look very much like … Continue reading

Doubling Dosage to Stay in School

All across the United States, public schools are trying to figure out what the best ways are to include students who have special needs into mainstream classrooms. A mother in Canada says her child’s school pressured her to double his dosage of Ritalin in order to remain enrolled in school. Would you increase your child’s medication if his school demanded it? Amanda Edgett is a mother who lives in Canada. The rules and laws regarding special education in Canada might, or might not, match the ones in the United States. I’m not sure that a public school in America would … Continue reading

Paid Sick Leave Mandate Could Affect Health Insurance

Some state and local governments are creating laws that require businesses to give their employees a certain number of paid sick days. This is one way to help prevent the spread of germs and illness. However, in some cases, this could result in businesses dropping health insurance coverage. I work from home. I make my living doing freelance writing. This means that I don’t have to worry about whether or not a sick co-worker is going to give me her cold. It also means that I have the ability to fit my work around when I am sick. One disadvantage, … Continue reading